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" .... ampunilah kesalahan kami seperti kami pun mengampuni yang bersalah kepada kami..."
awalnya gue cuman mikir ah doa bapa kami, tapi kemudian setelah ditimang-timang dipikir-pikir dan gak pake diraba karena gak bisa, gue kemudian berfikir dan menganalisa #halah, kata-kata ini begitu dalam dan begitu menyentuh,
ampunilah kesalahan kami seperti kami pun mengampuni yang bersalah kepada kami,
lalu sudah seberapa banyak gue mengampuni atau memaafkan orang-orang yang bersalah sama gue?
kalo begitu berapa dong kesalahan gue yang udah diampuni sama Tuhan?

Fenomena Kecantikan Korea Selatan

Bukan hal yang baru apalagi aneh kalo rata-rata kecantikan orang korea selatan berasal dari operasi plastik, adalah hal yang lumrah ketika banyak orang berbondong-bondong merubah wajah mereka menjadi dambaan.
standar kecantikan di korea selatan pun bukan main tingginya dan berubah menjadi tuntutan untuk berpenghidupan layak.
Hal yang menggegerkan baru-baru ini adalah bagaimana miripnya para finalis miss korea yang sebenarnya tidak mirip. 
sumber gambar

Softskill Bahasa Inggris 10

The Future

How can we speak about the future?

Cause God never notice our, mystery of future like love for life, so beautiful. Reason God created the future is our as human have spirit for life, being a colorful day, come imagine how time… a day… and a year be change, come imagine how many remembrance in our mind until we must bring this memory on album , really beautiful phase (or sadness?) however the future is a mystery how about beautiful world.

But it’s come from we perform of our daily, where perform our daily is point to future, how we happily, how we crying for this day, all about what we doing this day.

What the way you choose?

And the future can bring you meddle in way you choose

Your right decision and how you learn the past is a phenomena for how your future

Not about your past make your future

Because the future is a beautiful so everything how exist can be surprised,
How this groovy or not is how you make decision what the way you choose

So, are you ready for this day?

“Brighten up and happy for what day you get, because God always love people be grateful”

Softskill Bahasa Inggris 9

The Past

Sometimes we very love for the past, hard for forgotten, moreover the phase allied to our personality, to our live...

In the problem how about this past, what a happy or sadness?

Without the past we never exist, we like this never exist without the past
In this problem how the past being our, what being good or being badly?

Sometimes habit of human jailing the past for sensitive of heart to being all daily not change. Sometimes the past make we afraid to go future, like what the past, fine this happiness or sadness, I am sure this point not about you’re the past, how we happy or sad the past.

I am believe want our change is our desire to life

I am believe hope for life is determined to do change

Go on new day

Now, maybe we regret all we action in the past and never act like this, but what enough for this? We going to change, change for better without separated without our personality

The past always follow where we going but it’s not reason for we to make the past as seek refuge.

How they is success in live is about they make salutation for they phase to past, not about how the rich or about how they happiness but they know, they must going to change for the better life and they believe life must have enthusiasm. 

Softskill Bahasa Inggris 8

Letter Of Love (2)

For you in there

Seeing you for first time like unlimited of imagination even combine with theory of
intermediate accounting like amazing inspiration, come see “time value of money” where say it is a concept about value of money now more precious than in future, but it’s not true as “time value of love, it’s a concept where value of love now being little than love in future more precious cause any different between time where grow up love in heart.
“Analysis CPV” said any 3 factor can influence profit of company but I said any 3 factor can influence the world, me + love = you
“Margin of safety” teach me to know where limit we action and care between you and me, but finally I must said

“Shut down point”

Where I must stop hope and enough happy in this point, where I know about you as variable and not full costing. But these feel enough for me, and make estimate for habit gone change.
Thanks for you, little time present in my heart...

Softskill Bahasa Inggris 7

Letter of love (1)

I enough hard for write letter more than its letter of love

Make me confused and not stop for discard paper

Write wrong of words

Want write this word wrong want write that word wrong

But personally only one is true

About heart

My heart for you

And this cannot paint on paper by means of black ink

It’s all only can paint on my treatment, and cause that I promise for you to love you

Yeah this says of heart to make enjoy my heart

Nobody can hidden this feel more than me

And cause that I must ending this letter

A paper where say of heart, cause with feel of restless I waiting you in here :)

Softskill Bahasa Inggris 6

Letter For Different

I love you with my heart, although we different
I pity you although I cannot have you
But really of begin, I like you...
With you a day walking very slowly…

Cinta itu padaku

Semenjak angin itu berhembus padaku

Menggiring hati itu padaku

Menghembuskan nafas pada jantungku

Aku pun terdiam dan terbayang

Terbayang dirinya yang indahnya melampaui hariku

Yang indahnya tak terlukiskan

Yang indahnya tak terbayangkan

Tak Pernah Siap

Rasa ini..

Rasanya seperti tertusuk benda yang tajam

Namun lebih sakit

Lebih perih

Dalamnya luka bahkan tak terbayangkan

“ Cinta yang Melayang “

Kenapa ?

Mengapa ?

Kurangkah aku untuknya

Tak pantaskah aku untuknya

Bahkan malaikat cinta pun tak memberikan jawaban padaku

“ Terima Kasih Cinta “

Akhirnya kuungkapkan hatiku padanya,

“ Aku Mencintaimu sepenuh hidupku, segenap jiwa ragaku “

Indahnya kehidupan terlihat jelas di mataku

Aku ungkapkan rasa ini padanya

“ Inilah waktunya “

Tibalah saat ini

Ketika angin telah menghembuskan jiwa jiwa yang bebas

Ketika mentari ditimang langit

Ku kan berlari dan memberikan hati ini hanya padamu

Senyum pada sang kehidupan

Hidupmu Milikku

Telah ku buat ribuan jalan untukmu
Telah ku tebas segala yang menghalangi
Hanya untuk dirimu
Telah ku buat apa yang kau pinta
Telah ku buat apa yang kau mau
Hanya untuk hatimu
Kulakukan kegilaan ini bukan karena dirimu
Namun karena hatimu
Hati yang selalu kuimpikan
Hati yang selalu ingin kupelak erat
Kuingin hatimu
Kuingin cintamu
Dan kuingin dirimu
Menjadi milikku seutuhnya
Bahkan Tuhan tak akan bisa menghentikan kegilaanku padamu
Bahkan gemerlapnya kecantikan diluar sana tak akan menghentikan langkahku
Tak akan pernah ada yang bisa menghentikan langkah ini
Cinta milikilah aku
Cinta gapailah aku
Dan aku akan menggenggammu erat
Tak akan terlepas oleh apapun
Engkau adalah hidupku hatiku cintaku jantungku
Engkau adalah segala kehidupanku
Aku tak akan melepaskanmu atas segala apa yang kulakukan
Bahkan neraka akan ku tempuh demi mempertahankamu
Ingatlah genggamanku yang tak akan pernah terlepas darimu..

Softskill Bahasa Inggris 5

Banzaii Galau

Wehehe, why I choose banzai? Cause it’s make wake up my soul, :P

Okey, “galau”, this word not foreign in hear, and many many people in Indonesia say it, many thousand blogger was create about “galau”, from support arrive resistant to galau, well galau very famous until celebrity and program on tv make this word for thema or daily language.
          Well, my reason why I create this article, start from my mom, she is sudden galau disposed melancholy, where every day inside my home rainy sometimes typhoon come (its very wow gals), actually not surprised how galau attack every people, start baby until grandmother, start abege labil until worker, and my surprised is galau from my mom, her want level galau very amazing, she is want depressed 3x a day, when I off of lecture and part time, its make me sad when i open the door sudden thunderbolt inside my home.
          Well, this incident start when my mom sick of heart, I don’t know what this real situation, but certain was situation make my mom fall from a happy position. My mom be sensitive, when her go home from neighbor hiks, when her go home from saving club hiks until she is ask for me “what is galau?” and I answer what I know “galau is your not understand what you feeling or what your emotions, not know about answer and what the conclusion about your feel” #cielah how my diplomatic, haha.. and a second wait her talking for me “mama galau” #jederr and you know what, my mom very active repeat its word.
That’s incident stop when my mom make a devotional visit to a sacred place, she is bring new power.
          Mom said for me “everyone needs galau yu, try see mom, was a day my mom very depressed and galau, and don’t confused mom too surprised about it, then me introspection myself until finally now mom not galau again..” #jegerr.. sumfeh I’m very surprise hear my mom said like this and finally any conclusion in my mind..
          Galau is feel about hesitate not a ask where need answer but answer where need act, galau not in our mind but our action.. the unique about galau, its feel always treat different from people, where a people judgement this word is barricade for life or as sadness, even like my mom as a study for life, my definition galau mine every people, all people must feel about galau for grow up from childish.
          Galau not your feel negative especially be lost, enough for your reflection and find this way, find this way where lead you for more grown up to response if you see same trouble especially this find make you strong.


Softskill Bahasa Inggris 4

Take and Give

We all know about this system, the system that consciously flowing in our blood  and become the habit. Instead of something that we diminished, we tend to preserve it. But unfortunately we forgot that this is a common thing. Interesting, isn’t it? Something ingrained, has become a habit sometimes become the lost ones in life.
To give and to receive, when i was doing field research, #yiehh, I found something about this system (hehe,  what amaze my word :P )
Me and my surroundings become the research material.
I accidentally found that we who have received would do something meaningful in the same way to the giver. Don’t you remember the old proverb saying “remember about the kindness of people but remember not your kindness to them”
Of course this is intended for the sincerity and how grateful we are, for what we have and share it together. And of course the kindness of everyone have the different level to the receiver or the giver seen from the condition owned but back to the basic how big our gratitude to receive and our sincerity to give.
And then, how about the stingy?
Personally I thing, they’re all the people who overestimate in imagining something, they always think much, and bigger, doesn’t enough. When they try to give in their imagination is
“woo if I give something for them, they will ask for more again and again, how about my wealth?"
“that person has to be given more…”
And so forth,
But actually let’s start to give from the very little things, for example to give the opportunity to live of the smallest animal, ants. When an ant’s creeping on hand, either we slap it ‘till it die, we might swept it away.  Just try to put your hand close to the wall, till it moves from your hand to the wall, if it can make you smile, how about that ant which you safe its life?
You might be so grateful. Therefore from this little habit will produce a big result. We never know what we give now will take the return someday, right? It’s not expect for the return, but me as a human being also can’t deny that there will be consequences to every causes. And life just like a mirror, if we do good we will receive good either, otherwise if we do evil we’ll get evil in return. And I do belive in life, karma does exist. Not in expected time but in the time of needed. It reminds me how the dragons movie series showtimes begin to decrease because of the insinuation from raditya dika. It really gets me and my mom going. We can’t stand to see the movie series in Indosiar. The evil ones seemed like wanted to pelted with coins. Eventually, we can always guess the end of the movies: ended up happily.

To give and to receive aren’t things that don’t have the rules. For I believe we must give in the proper time so we’ll also receive in the right time according to our needs. For the instance, we give a cheat in daily examination, well it can’t be classified as a gift but it fooled them. Those who given might be very thankful but don’t you feel sorry for them, how could they be in the future. It
become the hardest thing because it oftentimes happen to me in the class. When I didn’t want to give a cheat they would looked at me cynically evenmore they’ll give me a warning. Feeling sorry of them is the biggest factor (“it’s ok to graduate together but use the right way”), and don’t wait until you help someone to receive from them stick to your mind. What’s the return, whatttt…..OMG, what if the person you help actually is the one who stuck with their debt for 7 generations with 8 children and 2 wifes and have to support his mother in law? this life is hard men, so don’t make it hard to your self by giving the false hopes.
So remember guys to give and to receive have the nice sensation to everyone, 
so don’t want you to taste that sensation? 
Life is just temporary…
so dare yourself to do good to everyone.

Softskill Bahasa Inggris 3

Softskill Bahasa Inggris 2

“ You and Day “ 

When see you to first time
First time ever to forget you
And now I feel alive
You like present in my life
You decorated my life
Sing of water like sound of glory
Glory my heart about freedom to see you

Softskill Bahasa Inggris (1)

“ See You First Time “ 

that beauty smile of you
How warm your look
How your humble
Make me smile for you
You like diamond in this life
One and ever, the mostly beauty
Pure, beauty and precious

“ Memberi dari Menerima “

Kita semua sudah mengenal sistem ini, sistem yang secara sadar mengalir dalam darah kita dan menjadi sebuah kebiasaan yang bukanlah sesuatu yang harus dihilangkan malah cenderung dilestarikan, namun sayangnya lupa akan hal ini juga merupakan hal lumrah, menarik bukan? Sesuatu yang mendarah daging, telah menjadi kebiasaan terkadang juga merupakan sesuatu yang hilang dalam kehidupan.
Memberi dan menerima, ketika gue melakukan riset lapangan #cielah, gue menemukan sesuatu tentang sistem ini (hehe, bahasa gue gak kuat men)
Dengan gue dan sekeliling gue yang menjadi bahan risetnya,
Gue menemukan bahwa secara gak sadar kita yang telah menerima akan melakukan sesuatu yang sama berartinya kepada sang pemberi, ingat gak pepatah lama yang mengatakan “ingatlah akan kebaikan orang namun janganlah mengingat kebaikanmu kepada orang lain”.

Tante Girang SMP

pagi itu ketika gue buka mata dan nonton berita, ada berita yang ngebuat gue tercengang seorang siswi SMP menjual teman-temannya sendiri a.k.a doi mucikari, yang saat itu ada di otak gue adalah MUCIKARI = SMP = BOCAH, eh buset gue langsung speechless dan bongkar bongkar google untuk nyari kelanjutan dari berita yang bersangkutan, dan eng ing eng tepatnya siang ini, gue nemuin hal yang ngebuat gue langsung garuk tembok, doi ternyata adalah mucikari handal yang menjadi saingan dari Ratu Mucikari